Networking Fundamentals with SAN (System Area Network)

What do you need to know about SAN networking?
A System Area Network or SAN is also known as Storage Area Network. It is one of the most important terminologies in Computer Networking. SAN is a separate network that stores and performs backups of shared resources and data. It allows the full liberty of accessing those files to all the users registered on the network. They mostly use in organizations because of their ability to store data and resources with maximum security and end-to-end encryption.
SAN basically stores the data and resources while performing backups through an alternate network of storage devices like disk storage. It designs to allow storage devices to present to the servers on a WAN (wide area network) and a LAN (local area network).
Benefits of using a System Area Network
1.    Using additional capacity – In System Area Network, data does not remain on the main network servers. It offers great benefits because a user would have an additional capacity which they can utilize for other needs. It includes the storage of large-sized applications and business software.
2.    Avoid misusing data – In addition, other servers on the network can access the same data stored on a SAN. Therefore, they can avoid data and information to misuse across the network.
3.    Backs up data – A SAN is also capable of backing up data specifically over the SAN’s storing channels. It prevents resources from being jam-packed inside the LAN and diminishing its speed. This allows Best Engineering Colleges to deliver data on the network.
How do SANs perform data backups?????
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