Must Have Smartphone Apps for Engineering Students

Smartphone apps for engineering students

Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our lives. This is due to the availability of different apps. Earlier, phones were meant only for making calls and sending text messages. But today, smartphones have grown more adaptable and capable of doing a lot more.

When it comes to education at top engineering colleges in Jaipur, smartphones have become very popular for most students. Instead of having to carry bulky books, they can take various benefits of the multiple apps available for Engineering Courses. With just a few apps for engineering, students must now have a stable internet connection to gain access to useful information that will help them in their learning. There are some must-have smartphone apps that will help the engineering students through their course, they are as follows:

1. RealCalc Scientific Calculator

The first app every engineering student of Top BTech Colleges should download the RealCalc smartphone apps. Unlike the normal calculators, this performs many types of calculations some of which are quite complex. Among the many types of calculations, this app can perform unit conversion, physics, log, hexadecimal conversion, and binary.

2. Software Engineering App

Software engineering has recorded the highest number of students in recent times. With the Software Engineering smartphone apps now available for download, IT students of Best Engineering Colleges will have a lot to enjoy here as the app comes with over 150 topics to study. With the app ready on your smartphone, engineering graduates will have a chance to learn more about problem analysis, project management, data flow and other programming related subjects without having to refer to their books.

3. TurboViewer

TurboViewer is designed for both Android and iOS, this smartphone apps allows students of engineering colleges Jaipur to manage files, view, customize usage, and share your content in both 2D and 3D formats. Designed to support Dropbox, email, and web downloads, the TurboViewer app will enable them to share your drawing with the rest of the app users for serious discussions.

4. Engineering Unit Converter ?????

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